What We Offer
Hikari Accelerate is our Start-up Incubator Accelerator that helps businesses from start to momentum by envisioning, equipping, and creating infrastructure for the start-up businesses to succeeded in the shortest lead time. For any start up or business that’s gaining momentum, the right dynamic strategies at the right time are imperative for success, that is why Hikari Accelerate takes the start-up business and lends them the leadership experience they need to get through the J- Phenomena where most of business start- ups in Zimbabwe drop out of the game. Most businesses in today's world are generally stuck with antiquated business models, leadership paradigms and strategies that are not agile and or dynamic enough for the rapid moving and transient digital age we live in. Hikari Inc challenges business leaders to agility and to develop a dynamic leadership style that transcends outdated business practices.
How We Do This
Our team is invested in your success. We offer the following services to startups in our program: